Friday, July 27, 2007

Long Time No Write

I have not posted here for some time. Not sure why, but it could be:

  • I have nothing to say (unlikely if you know me)
  • Have a very hard time blogging from home
  • I work at computer for 6 hours a day and don't want to face a key board
  • To tired to type
  • To busy with son
  • Too many books to read

I think the real reason is that all my life writing has been a source of pain. It is not that my fingers hurt (but I am getting some Arthur). It is emotional pain and how I see myself.

Because of learning problems (the labels have changed with time but I still have the same problems, phonically illiterate, what is know called "ADD," distressingly acute hearing and horrible rote memory.) I have almost a phobia about writing. I know that no matter what I write, how good the content, how accurate the information is, The first thing people say to me is "you miss spelled ____" -"you used a comma wrong" -"That is not a sentence."

It was okay if the person was teacher but as an adult everyone thinks they have a write to commit on my flaws in writing. I don't comment on what ever flaw they have why is it okay for you to point out mine. Is it because they have proof of my flaw, it on paper and it can be saved and referred to. It is hard to capture bad breath or arrogance. An arrogant person may not understand arrogance is a flaw to begin with.

I want to say get past the form and get the idea of the message behind it. Maybe one of the reasons I like Kierkegaard is that in the English translation, the meaning gets thought if you forget the structure of the writing.

About the time I stopped blogging was when I realized how often my new boss was amused at my minor writing errors. I learned a long time ago that some one has to proofread my stuff to add the things my fast moving - addled brain miss when I edit my own writing.

I have to write, a lot every day, it has gotten harder and harder to set myself to the task.

Starting today when I blog I will:

  • I will not worry about having to be perfect in my post.
  • I will use the spell check and look up words I have misspelled so badly the sell check can't come up with a correct spelling
  • I will leave alone words that are spelled correctly but look wrong
  • I will not let the grammar and spelling police make me feel like a seven year old who can not memorize the spelling list and told adnauseam "sound it out"(If I could sound it out I would have, you have told me this for the hundredth time, STOP)

By the way adnauseam is not in blogger's spell check. I spelled it correctly but I still had to look it up because the spell check could not figure it out!

If you are reading this and have tendency be part of the grammar and spelling police.

Pretend that I am writing in Danish and that has been translated into English.


Baba said...

Hi PT Pastor, I love to read your wife's blog and She said to pay you a visit.... so here I am...If you work on a computer six hours a day, no wonder you don't want any of it at night.I am the same way, I can't spell and keep a dictionary by my computer.I don't know how I made it through nursing school with my spelling, but medical words are my friend. Nice to speak to you . Have a good week-end. Baba

kg said...

Keep writing when you want. It isn't necessary to be perfect, in fact it can mess up your train of thought. In the eyes of the grammar police, "sin boldly!".

Mom&more said...

PT Pastor, It is so nice to see you posting again. I check your blog every day and it has been a long time. I think you are a wonderful writer because you write from your heart. Please don't worry about the people that criticize. They are everywhere and share it with everyone. You are great. Keep the posts coming. I love to keep up with your life.

Midlife Midwife said...

Welcome back! You can write all you want and make as many mistakes as you want. I love the content of what you write. That's what is important. I love the quote that says something like, "it is a small mind that can only come up with one way to spell a word." Please keep writing!!

The Rainbow Zebra said...

Hey, I'm an English major and believe me, I really don't show it on my blog or in emails ;)

My sister is a fabulous doctor--and she always had problems in English (still has, in fact). So you just write away--*enjoy* what you write. It sounds like you have more class than those who would always point out errors to you.

I'm here by way of FD :)

Elaine said...

Hi there, came to your blog via a link in your wife's blog. You sound like a good person and I will visit your site again. Never mind the grammer and spelling, the ideas are important. :-)

Mom said...

I have a favorite mommy blog that I read, it is written by a mother to seven. You should check it out. Her spelling and sentence construction are horrendous. She has a heart of gold and I read her every single day. You have to be able to get past that stuff to see what a person has to say. Think of it as a weeding out process and just write however you want to.

In this case, it truly is the thought that counts. I look forward to reading.

Anonymous said...

I have been a follower of the Fat Doctor's blog for some time. I always notice mistakes in the grammar, and they bother me, but I never point them out to anybody, except my husband, because its rude. I have suspected for some time that he has dyslexia as well. He is otherwise brilliant, but has poor rote memory and grammar. He can never remember names, places, people..I know it distresses him, but this put things even more in perspective. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I used to work with a lady who would return her daughter's school class syllabi (??) and notes with red pen corrections.


Just consider it bad typing... in Danish! :wink:

Glad to see you back!

mommo4.5 said...

I enjoy your posts. Please don't let a few grammar/spelling errors stand in your way. (You are in good company in having those.) It's too bad you've been made to feel self-conscious about this. You have good and inspiring things to say, and I'm glad you've started posting again.

BTW: When Moses complained to God that he wasn't a good "speaker," God agreed to have Aaron be his "mouth," but I think God was fully prepared to use Moses just as he was, perceived weakness and all. (We are weak, but He is strong!)

Unknown said...

Golly, I'm glad you are back :)

I missed your blogs - you had good writings.

Unknown said...

I missed your blogs. I'm glad you are back :)

My Own Woman said...

It's those of us that have superior intelligence and whose minds work much quicker than our fingers that make those kinds of mistakes. (insert big grin here)
I enjoy your blog and wish you'd write more....with or without the correct grammar or spelling, the things you want to say come through.

julie said...

I personally think that it is the content that is important and find the grammar and spelling police extremely petty and picky. Great post!

SuperStenoGirl said...

You made an error, PT Pastor.

That error was pointing out too many of your so-called "flaws" and not enough of the positives your writing offers. Such as thought provoking discussions, nostalgic comments and feelings, a sense of 'home' and 'family' and a window into the life of two, obviously, very wonderful people.

Though I do understand that the concept of this post was about your so-called errors, I still think you should pat yourself on the back once in a while for all the wonderful things you do post.


SeaSpray said...

Welcome back PT Pastor!! :)

You are obviously and intelligent, charming witty man of faith so...spelling schmelling. Shame on your boss for riding you about your spelling. can't he just edit it if it is an issue for him?

I worked with an ER doc and nurse who were both dyslexic and their spelling was often wrong. I give you guys credit for overcoming the difficulties that can present!

Pssst! I am gonna tell you a secret but DON'T tell FD - sometimes I cheat and I write "tho" instead of "though"...but...then I think of her and correct it. I take other shortcuts too. Then I correct them out of guilt... but not always.:)

Your boss though - he needs a chill pill! I just read your newest post and am going back to comment.