Thursday, February 01, 2007

Molly Ivins

On the way to work today I heard that Molly Ivins died. A sadness came over me. I was sadder that I would have imagines about someone I had only heard and read. I heard a report of her death on the way home and had the same feeling. I heard her voice in an interview and was with the feeling in the chest and everything.

I took my pills this morning, I did. I shouldn't be feeling this way.

I as though about my reaction I realized that she was (almost typed is)one of the few people, in my experience, who speak the truth to power was gone. A reporter who said it like she saw it. Her comment had the ring of truth.

Part of my sadness is knowing that she will be replaced by the Nancy Graces' and Anderson Cooper's. Who will not risk the truth unless it helps their careers.

Who will speak the truth and is in a position to know the difference between truth and hype?


laughing pastor said...

My dear Molly has died....just months after my dear Ann Richards.

Molly is my current hero. She said in a recent interview:

I love my profession. I can deal with the fact that the newspaper business is dying....but it pisses me off that they are committing suicide.

I feel the same way about the church.

Susan Palwick said...

I was sad both about her and about Barbaro this week. (And I'm not even a horse person!) But someone will come along to fill the Ivins void. There are prophets in every generation.